When you complete your Competent Communicator Manual you can choose to go onto other more specialised manuals each consisting of five speech projects. The 15 manuals are:
The Entertaining Speaker (Item 226A)
Speaking to Inform (Item 226B)
Public Relations (Item 226C)
Facilitating Discussion (Item 226D)
Specialty Speeches (Item 226E)
Speeches by Management (Item 226F)
The Professional Speaker (Item 226G)
Technical Presentations (Item 226H)
Persuasive Speaking (Item 226I)
Communicating on Video (Item 226J)
Storytelling (Item 226K)
Interpretive Reading (Item 226L)
Interpersonal Communication (Item 226M)
Special Occasion Speeches (Item 226N)
Humorously Speaking (Item 226O)
In Greystones Toastmasters the Manuals are supplied as part of your membership fee.